Newsletters and Journals

The club has produced a significant body of written work over the years. Both as part of the day to day running and information sharing in the club and as a long term record of our deeds and misdeeds. This page lists and indexes them and provides links to many of them.

Copyright remains with the original authors and with the Club.

If you are looking for information on a specific subject, or author, then using the site search box below should narrow it down. If the journal, or newsletter has not been uploaded yet, then please get in touch. One of our club members may be able to help you from their personal dead tree format library.

The Journal

Over the years we have produced a number of volumes of our journal as a record of our travels and explorations. Those with a link are available on-line.

Volume 1 1983 Gouffre Berger Expedition. 36 pages. Edited by John Gillett.

Volume 2 1986. Caving in the Jura. Belgium and North Wales. 53 pages. Edited by Liam Kealy. A paper copy is held by the British Caving Library

Volume 3 1989. No descriptive sub-title, but covers caving in Vercours, Pyrenees, P.S.M. and Jura. 86 pages. Edited by Ralph Johnson. A paper copy is held by the British Caving Library

Volume 4 2001. No descriptive sub-title, but includes mostly Peak District activities, plus the Turkey earthquake. 44 pages. Edited by Matt Ryan & Ralph Johnson.

Volume 5 2006. No descriptive sub-title, but includes many Welsh mining locations, plus Peak District, Himalayas and China. 57 pages. Edited by Ralph Johnson.


The club publishes a newsletter on average around four times a year, or however often club members can be persuaded by the editor to write enough content. Past newsletters can be downloaded from the links below. If there is no link to follow, then the newsletter has not been uploaded to the site yet. The contents index is now complete, all the way back to the first newsletter in 1975. Later newsletters are text searchable pdf files, made straight from the word processed document. We are aiming to make every newsletter available, but we need to scan in the paper versions from the previous century, so this will take some time. Please be patient. The scanned paper newsletters are available as image pdf files and also as OCR text files, generated using Tesseract. The success of the OCR varies, depending on the quality of print and the type face. There has been minimal proof reading.